Train from Dehli to Mumbai

You can travel by train from Delhi to Mumbai. The journey takes 18 hours. Buy your ticket starting at INR 800 (EUR 10 / USD 10). The distance is about 1,400 kilometres.

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How to get from Delhi to Mumbai?

To travel from Delhi to Mumbai, you can take a train, a bus or a flight. The train is usually the cheapest option on this route (EUR 10).

How long does it take to get from Delhi to Mumbai?

The train journey takes about 18 hours. It depends on the train connection you choose.

How much does it cost to get from Delhi to Mumbai?

The cost of your trip depends on the means of transport you use. Calculate with these average ticket prices. They also depend on whether you buy your ticket in advance, which is cheaper, or on the day of departure.

Train tickets: EUR 10 to EUR 55
Bus tickets: EUR 40 to EUR 80
Plane tickets: EUR 90 to EUR 230

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